What people are saying…


“I adore Christina. She comes to the group with a world of education and plethora of knowledge on the subject. But she's also passionate, warm, and welcoming. She creates a beautiful community and safe space to grow. She has a gentle, warm, and calming energy, while also pushing you out of your comfort zone into your best self. She challenges you to ask the hard questions that result in healing and transformation. I have created awareness along with mindfulness. I'm aware of why and how I utilize social media, along with the triggers that snowball into a social media trance. I'm much more mindful about how I create and consume content, and choose to prioritize family time away from my screen. I'm so grateful for the community Christina has created, and the safe space to work through these challenges. Digital mindfulness is not a commonly discussed topic, and yet SO important. Thank you!”

Stephanie Hunter-Dines, Seattle, WA www.stephaniehunterdines.com

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“I had the privilege of attending two of Christina’s events. Each time I witnessed her natural ability to tune in to the participants and meet them with gracious acceptance. As an attendee it was eye-opening to acknowledge the different motivations of using or abusing the technologies at my fingertips. Christina creates an atmosphere or ‘holding space’ for her attendees allowing them to enter the present moment — a beautiful gateway for deep connection for thoughts, emotions and body wisdom. I highly recommend her workshops, retreats and panel discussions and presentations.”

Bettina Jones, Seattle, WA


 “I always love working with Christina, but our group dynamics were really special too. The biggest change by far has been creating a conscious relationship with my technology. When I choose to binge out on it, it's a conscious choice to absorb info, zone out, or connect with others. Christina has an innate ability to read the room and create containers for real change to happen, which makes every experience feel uniquely tailored to the needs of each individual and the group as a whole.”

Hannah Exner, Seattle, WA


“Working with Christina has been incredible support to me. She has a lovely way of helping me see what I need to live with more agency and energy. I was drawn to her style immediately—warm, inviting, positive and whip-smart. She paved the way for me to identify useful tools that I now use daily. It would be no exaggeration to say that she has changed my life for the better.”

Rachel Fleischman, San Francisco, CA


 “Christina is available, present, knowledgeable, witty, non-judging and is great at building a safe space. I  am more mindful of the urges towards picking up my phone and even when it feels habitual - I am able to notice that and then CHOOSE whether to continue or put it down. I use it a lot less in the evenings now - due to the digital well-being functions I am using on my cell phone to make the screen gray and put it in Do Not Disturb mode and leaving the phone in other rooms.”

Robyn Beckman, Port Orchard, WA


“I was worried I wouldn’t be able to commit to putting my phone down! Now, there is a hesitation to look at my phone while at work, at a stoplight, in the morning. I’m still reflexive with it, but the awareness is building and I like to think I’m a little *less* reflexive. I loved the judgment free zone that Christina created. I felt supported as I am. Christina is trauma-informed, has an anti-oppression perspective and understands the nuance or LGBT+ issues, and incorporates meditation and somatic practices. I think this kind of holistic approach is important as care practices evolve and influence each other. I’m feeling really grateful for the opportunity to be part of groups like this!

Anna Evensta Culver, Nashville, TN


“This is for everyone! Christina is super welcoming, knowledgeable, and creates such a sacred space. In just a little over 48 hours, you get the opportunity to foster deep authentic bonds with those who were just strangers days before. I highly recommend her work. It is timeless and imperative work in a society increasing in technology and noise. Thank you!”

Daren M. Schlecter, Attorney, Los Angeles, CA