Social Justice

Screen Time Lifeline is deeply grounded in the principles of social justice.

More than just a wellness endeavor, my aim is to identify and confront the ways the tech industry reinforces oppressive dynamics and colonizes our relationships, our world views, our independent thinking, our free will and our minds: all for profit.

I believe that it’s important for all of us to understand how social media and other digital platforms intersect with capitalism and cause harm. 

Think about it: for many of us (myself included), taking a break from Instagram for a week feels like a huge accomplishment.  

  • How did something completely voluntary ⁠end up feeling so necessary and compulsive? 

  • Why do we feel like we need to keep refreshing our social media feeds?  

  • What else could we be doing with that time? 

What if we consolidated that 4+ hours a day of fragmented attention and directed it at off-screen efforts to crush white supremacist heteropatriarchy?

Corporations, tech companies and political actors are using neuropsychology to study our sensorimotor, cognitive, and affective response to marketing stimuli.

Much of what we see on social media and online is specifically designed to appeal to our reptilian brain (fight, flight, freeze, react), encouraging us to bypass our prefrontal cortex (critical thinking and self-knowledge).

Guess who are the major actors in creating these platforms and marketing techniques?

Affluent young White men. Same. Old. Story.

So, what do we do about it?

  • We can rescue our minds by being aware of these forces and stopping to notice our thoughts, feelings, sensations and urges related to the media we consume.

  • We can fight the colonization of our relationships on social media by reaching out beyond algorithms that silo us into smaller and smaller social milieus. 

  • We can take breaks from technology to strengthen our abilities to hear ourselves and other humans. ⁠

This is NOT about “digital detox".
It’s about reclaiming our lives.  

Screen Time Lifeline works to incorporate anti-racism and anti-oppression into everything we do.  We are not perfect, always learning, and accountable to mentors of color.  

Committed to reparations, I donate 10% of all proceeds to racial justice causes. 
Current recipients include: