What can you say NO to today?

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It’s been a tough week.

Like so many of you, my 2020 has been filled with grief, rage, and fear.  (And yes, lot’s of joy and even some hope too, but let me vent a little.)  

On top of COVID and the horrors of, you know, white supremacy and fascism, my year has been filled with personal losses, bad news, and anxiety. 

On top of it all, I’ve been working way too much. My work with therapy and Screen Time Lifeline clients is life-giving and does not drain me.  It's all the extra stuff I sign myself up for! 

I have Shiny Object Syndrome. I don’t take on new projects out of a sense of obligation, but because there are just so many damn things that are exciting, compelling, and important to me. 

The internet giveth information on all the possibilities, and the internet taketh away time and energy.  Too. Much. Information =  decision fatigue (thanks for that term Patrick Malone). I long for the time when I was unaware of all of the cool things I could be doing.  

It’s funny, because last week I was the guest speaker at Connection Feast (highly recommended btw), and the topic was burnout.  As I was presenting my top tips to avoid tech-related burnout, I was thinking to myself “Practice what you preach, Christina.” 

So, yeah, after curling into a fetal position for a couple of days, I canceled all of my non-essential December meetings, joyfully deleted items off my to-do list, and scheduled some time off.  Just for fun,  I made myself a cute little sign to hang over my desk reminding me not to commit to anything new till 2021. 

And yes, I’ll be spending even less time on social media, the news, and reading about all the stuff I want to do.

Phew, I feel better already! 

What can you say no to today?

P.S. If you’ve read this far, thank you! I invite you to join my mailing list for occasional musings and updates on retreats and events. I won't spam you, or share your data. Let's start supporting small businesses on platforms they own!


Taking a break.


Black Screen Friday