The Holy Trinity of a Social Justice Win

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Hi friends,

What a weekend, huh?

When I heard the news on Saturday that the election was called for Biden and Harris, I started yelling ecstatically out the window, and was answered by the jubilant cheers of my neighbors.

I laughed, cried, danced in the streets, and slept through Saturday night without bad dreams for the first time in four years.

So. Much. Joy.

But if there's one thing social media loves, it's whiplash — moving from one extreme to the other.

I don't know about you, but my feed is filled with, "Cool, he won. Now back to our regularly scheduled activist program.”

I disagree with this mindset.

Yes, there is work to do. No, the new administration isn't going to solve all the systemic problems we have.

We get it.

But let us not ignore the first two crucial steps in what I'm calling the Holy Trinity of a Social Justice Win.

1. Celebrate.

Whether you consider yourself an activist or simply a person who cares about social justice, if we do not take the time to celebrate, we WILL burn out.

45's days are numbered and that is, as he would say, YUGE.

So, take it in. Feel the feels. Treat yourself to some much-needed jubilation and relief.

Let your BODY decide when it's time to get back to work, not your social media feed.

2. Rest

You want to fight capitalism? Then stop treating yourself like a machine.

We must integrate. We must recalibrate. We must rejuvenate.

Last week was anxhausting (anxiety+exhaustion) and the last 4 years have been terrifying, enraging, and draining.

Before charging ahead, we must rest. (btw, If you don't already follow @thenapministry on Instagram, get on it.)

One of the best ways to rest is to take a full day away from screens - your phone, your computer, your TV, all of them.

This periodic practice has changed my life and is what inspired Screen Time Lifeline to begin with.

If you have not already, I invite you to download my free guide to a DIY Tech-Free Home Retreat. Plan a few hours or a whole day to untether yourself from your phone and cable news.

3. Activate.

Yes, it's critical. But it doesn't work without the first two.

You're a human being, not a human doing. We can only move forward with love. Let that love start with ourselves.

Celebrate and rest, my friends. We earned it.

Much Love,

P.S. If you’ve read this far, thank you! I invite you to join my mailing list for occasional musings and updates on retreats and events. I won't spam you, or share your data. Let's start supporting small businesses on platforms they own!


A Love Letter to the Screen Addicted


Election Anxiety? Take Action!