A Love Letter to the Screen Addicted

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Hello dear friends,

Can you relate?

You wake up in the morning with every good intention to start your day journaling or meditating.

But your phone is sitting on your nightstand, beckoning you.

  • What did you miss while you were sleeping?

  • Who’s been trying to get in touch with you?

  • How many likes and followers did you get overnight?

You get a sinking feeling when you see that your friends were on a Zoom hangout and did not invite you.

You feel a stab of pain because it looks like the ex who broke your heart is living their best life with a glamorous new partner.

You get sucked in, and before you know it, you’ve been scrolling for an hour and you’re late for work.

On top of it all, you realize that you are exhausted from staying up late in a YouTube rabbit hole. A rabbit hole that is in no way enriching to your life.

Your anxiety climbs.

You beat yourself up for not keeping that commitment to yourself to start your morning on your own terms.

As the day goes by, social media pulls your attention away from the things that are most meaningful to you.

Worrying about the state of the world has led to a habit of doom scrolling.  

You find yourself in a constant state of comparison of your life to others on social media.  

It feels like time is of the essence and you’re not spending it in the way that serves your deepest purpose. 

You are hyper-connected and lonely at the same time. 

It feels terrible.

Pause and take a deep breath.

Drop the shame.

You are not alone and it’s not your fault!

You hear all of the time that you “should” spend less time on your phone. Meanwhile, powerful corporate interests are working tirelessly to keep you addicted to your screens.

If this is your struggle, you’ve come to the right place.

Everything I described in the scenario above? I know it all too well. I have been there.

In 2017 I was drowning in tech overwhelm and it felt horrible.

I fought my way to the shore, and have committed the last 3 years of my life to learning how to swim in the rapidly flowing river that is the Digital Age: to jump in when I need to, and jump out when I want stillness and peace.

Now I’m standing at the edge of that river ready to throw you a lifeline so you can climb out and join me.

We all struggle to put our phones down and step away from our screens. I have some sustainable and actionable solutions to this problem and am passionate about supporting you to right-size your relationship with technology.

This is not about “digital detox” or demonizing your phone.

It’s about balance, choice, and empowerment.

Ready to start?

P.S. If you’ve read this far, thank you! I invite you to join my mailing list for occasional musings and updates on retreats and events. I won't spam you, or share your data. Let's start supporting small businesses on platforms they own!


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