Crashing the Boy’s Club: Women on Digital Wellbeing

It’s Women’s History Month and I have been thinking a lot about, you know, sexism.

Over the past few years, we’ve seen a load of books come out by men on the dangers of digital devices.  These guys have contributed a lot to the conversation, but I’ve noticed that often their endgame is an obsession with productivity, efficiency and profit.  Deep work, time blocking: you know the drill.  There’s even one guy who wrote a book on creating addictive technology only to turn around and write another book on our personal responsibility to break tech addiction with his simple 4-step plan. Um, thanks? 

Guess what? As is so often the case, a lot of women said it first and said it better.  And rather than individual productivity, they have focused on joy, heart, soul, spirit, relationships, community, equity and justice.  Encouraging us to find balance with our tech so we can embrace all aspects of our life, not just feeding the machine of capitalism.  

So, in honor of Women’s History Month, I want to introduce you to the incredible books by women who inspired me to do this work.

Here are some inspiring, brilliant must-read books to add to your reading list:

Let’s support women’s voices. I hope you enjoy these books as much as I have.

Much Love,


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Let’s Talk About Surveillance Capitalism


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